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Plaques Sort By »  Item ID Product Price

Perpetual Plaque P3940

Perpetual Plaque P6

Perpetual Plaque - PF4
Perpetual Plaque P3940
48 extra large plates on Solid American walnut perpetual plaque. 22 X 30 in.
USD $660.00

Perpetual Plaque P6
Solid American walnut perpetual plaque with 72 plates. 17-1/2 x 24 in. Choice of black or gold plates.
USD $306.00

Perpetual Plaque - PF4
Solid American walnut perpetual plaque with 48 plates and gold casting. 17.5 X 24 in. Choose gold or black plates
USD $270.45

Wall Clock BC98


Wall Clock BC98
Solid brass diamond-spun bezel with glass lens, gold & black dial and three hand movement. 12X15 in.
USD $243.00

Rosewood stained piano-finish frame, antique bronze finish frame casting with brush gold metal background. 14 X 17 in.
USD $219.00

Firematic award with antique bronze finish casting and clock.
USD $210.00

Exquisite Photo Memorial Plaque

Premium plaque 4137

Perpetual Wall Clock BC30
Exquisite Photo Memorial Plaque
Gorgeous Rosewood Piano Finish Memorial Photo Plaque with gold brass plate engraved.
USD $195.00

Premium plaque 4137
Rosewood stained piano-finish plaque with antique bronze finish casting. 11 X 15 in.
USD $186.00

Perpetual Wall Clock BC30
Walnut finish perpetual plaque with clock, avail. in 2 sizes
USD $180.00

Park Bench Plate


Wall Clock BC
Park Bench Plate
Stainless steel park bench plate
USD $175.00

Solid American walnut plaque with an antique bronze casting on black velour background.
USD $159.00

Wall Clock BC
Walnut, Rosewood or Ebony piano finish plaque with clock (waterfall bezel with glass lens, gold dial and three hand movement). 10X13 in.
USD $144.00

scroll plaque 3624

Silver plaque 3932

p312 - Milano marble
scroll plaque 3624
Rosewood stain piano-finish plaque with antique bronze finished casting. 11 X 15 in.
USD $138.00

Silver plaque 3932
Black stained piano-finish plaque with antique silver finished casting 10 1/2 X 13
USD $138.00

p312 - Milano marble
Frost gold back plate with bright gold embossed frame on solid American walnut board. 12X15.
USD $135.00

Perpetual Plaques p2989

Perpetual Plaque P394

gavel plaque pg2440
Perpetual Plaques p2989
Solid American walnut perpetual plaque with 12 black brass plates. 12 X 15 in.
USD $132.00

Perpetual Plaque P394
Traditional American walnut plaque with extra large individual plates.
USD $129.00

gavel plaque pg2440
Metal Gavel, gold electroplate in American walnut plaque. 10 X 13 in.
USD $124.50


Marble Background - p2717

Perpetual Plaques P2551
CAM Plaque Series - 10 X 13
USD $123.00

Marble Background - p2717
Sapphire marble plate on 11 x 14 solid American walnut board, Frost gold border
USD $120.00

Perpetual Plaques P2551
Perpetual plaque with 12 plates and a solid American walnut frame on black velour background. 13 X 16 in.
USD $120.00



Sculptured Relief Casting, 11 in X 15 in
USD $115.50

Solid walnut frame with gold trim and velour background. Avail. 2 sizes and 2 colors.
USD $114.00

Firematic award with antique bronze finish casting.
USD $102.00

p355 Black/Marble Color Center Plate


p355 Black/Marble Color Center Plate
11 in X 14 in cherry finish plaque. Choose 4 colors: Black, Sapphire (marble blue), Emerald (marble green) or Ruby (marble red).
USD $99.00

Police award with antique bronze finish casting.
USD $99.00

Antique firematic bronze finish casting. 9X12 in.
USD $96.00

p249 - Velour Background

Perpetual Plaque p2541

p249 - Velour Background
Choose Black/Maroon/Blue velour background on 12 x 15 solid walnut frame
USD $93.00

Perpetual Plaque p2541
Solid American walnut perpetual plaque with 12 plates. 11 X 15 in.
USD $93.00

9X12 in American walnut plaque.
USD $90.00

Plaques  (78)

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